The company is keen on controlling the entire in-car experience

June 10, 2023

CarPlay, which is one of the main selling points for Tesla Android can be used with Android Auto. You can also use the Android tablet to do things such as web surfing or running diagnostics. However, it is not recommended that you do this while driving. It’s a delight to see CarPlay available on a competing OS, but it’s the hard work Gapinski has put into this project that makes the real magic. It’s still cool that people are adding new features (and in nerdy ways) to their vehicles, even if they’re not quite ready.

The two companies share a similar approach in terms of design, technology and controlling their respective ecosystems. Tesla cars have a large screen similar to an iPad, instead of physical controls. Customers can also use their smartphone as a key. The company is also moving steadily towards autonomous driving. This has led to people calling Tesla the Apple carmaker. Elon Musk tried to sell Tesla’s to Apple. Consumers often say that carplay tesla Tesla is like an iPhone on wheels.

Tesla’s iPhone application is a powerful tool. It allows users to unlock cars remotely, manage climate control and charge their vehicles. It’s also cool to be able to use the iPhone as a car key. Once you get in your car, where integration is most important, the compatibility disappears.

Apple Music and CarPlay are probably familiar to Apple fans. You may also be an owner of a Tesla and know that it does not support either feature. Teslas don’t have a Spotify-like app that allows you to access Apple Music. You must stream over Bluetooth instead. You can skip tracks and control the volume, but you cannot easily find your library. You can only get a list with songs in the album or playlist.

At least some Tesla engineers were trying to set up Apple Music support. Tesla’s software briefly mentioned Apple Music support in December. Apple and Tesla haven’t really gotten traction yet on a launch.

CarPlay, and Android Auto as well, are nowhere to be seen. Apple’s website claims that CarPlay comes in more than 600 different models from “every major automaker.” But that is not the case. At any time, the Tesla Model Y and Model 3 are the most popular electric cars.

Apple has no control over the lack of Apple Music or CarPlay in Teslas. The carmaker makes these decisions. Apple has a Tesla in its office parking lot (outside the executive section) and employees love to have Apple Music or CarPlay.

Apple is trying to integrate its services into any vehicle or device that has them. Tesla integration will be a big win for Cupertino. Apple Music, Android, Smart TVs and speakers by Google, Amazon, Sonos and Amazon are already integrated into the Porsche Taycan. Tesla does not want to lose control over its interface but I do think that CarPlay, even in a small area, would improve the overall experience. Tesla may be worried about the risk of exposing users to Apple’s services if they add CarPlay. Still, it’s puzzling.

There are many other ways that the companies can align. Tesla may choose to offer Apple products like Apple Podcasts and TV+. (Tesla offers Netflix already). Apple could, however, offer Tesla a deeper integration of Apple Maps to better highlight Tesla’s charger network.